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Team Member


Trish Cuttone

Founders Chair: Paul Fant

My name is Trish Cuttone.  I am the person holding the seat of the founder of the organization Paul Fant.  My husband Rich Cuttone served on board the USS The Sullivans DD537 during the Cuban crisis.

About Trish

In 2001 I found out about the association online and we attended our first reunion in 2001. In 2007 he volunteered to be the secretary and that job became the secretary and newsletter editor. For the next12 years I helped him find articles and information to put into the newsletter and distribute it to our members and associate friends of the association. We also have helped with and attended every reunion since then.


Rich passed away Jan. 2019 and I continued with the newsletter for one more issue and stayed a member and attended the reunion which I plan to continue doing.

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